Special Event To Tell Legislators About Your NCTracks Experience

The North Carolina Medical Society invites you to attend a special breakfast event at the General Assembly on Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2013, at 7 a.m.  This is an unprecedented opportunity to meet with key members of the House and Senate immediately before the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services convenes to discuss the NC Tracks implementation.  So come early, grab some breakfast, and help these policymakers understand how this new claims system has affected your ability to care for Medicaid patients.

Meet at 7 a.m. in the Legislative Building’s Cafeteria for breakfast and informal conversations with legislators.  Stick around to observe the Oversight Committee’s proceedings at 8 a.m.

Click here  for directions and parking information for the Legislative Building. 

Please let us know if you will attend, so we can provide enough food by entering your name here.


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