Health Reform 2009

The NCMS Board decided to promote these principles for health care reform to provide guidance in the process. We think that MD involvement in this process is crucial and important, with many facets of reform like quality and patient safety. Our leadership is necessary to carry these particular issues to successful results. What we want our legislators and the administration to know in this reform process is that we stand with our patients and want access and quality care in any health care system change. 

Albert J. Osbahr, MD, President, NC Medical Society


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  • karl fields, md

    I was pleased to read the NCMS principles regarding health reform. They seem more concerned about fairness to our patients than those of the AMA. After dealing with the unfair policies of insurance companies for many years, I am convinced we must have a public option to keep the private insurers honest. I care most that my many uninsured patients can find some health insurance coverage. I have seen no efforts by private insurers to provide this.

    I was so disappointed by the AMA’s priniciples which seem to me to want to rely strictly on private insurers that after 20 years of AMA membership, I plan not to renew next year.